Python program that reads the poem and prints it
from random import choice, randint
## Beat poetry
adjectives = "radiant bright ecstatic young lithe driving running splitting".split()
verbs = "wriggles grows stares saunters drives smiles raps".split()
nouns = "pen inkwell willow sky station train pane window sunlight dust".split()
def beat_poem():
print "\n" + "="*16+" a poem " + "="*16
for x in range(randint(5,11)):
words1 = " ".join([choice(adjectives) + ", ", choice(adjectives)])
words2 = " ".join([choice(nouns), choice(verbs)])
words3 = " ".join([choice(nouns), choice(nouns), choice(adjectives), choice(nouns)])
for i in range(randint(2,5)):
words = choice([words1, words2, words3])
line = " "*randint(0, 40 - len(words)) + words
print line
if x % 3 ==0:
print " "*5 + choice(nouns)
print " "*5 + choice(nouns)
print " "*5 + "the " + choice(nouns) +"!"
if x % 7 ==0:
words4 = " ".join(["the " + choice(adjectives), choice(nouns), choice(verbs)])
print " ".join(words4)