Computer Science, asked by phdbsnd, 1 month ago


Write a program that accepts the radius of a circle and prints its area.


Answered by anindyaadhikari13


The given problem is solved using language - Python.

from math import pi

r=float(input('Enter the radius of the circle: '))


print('Area of the circle is:',a,'square unit.')


  • Line 1: Imports the value of pi from math module so as to calculate the area of the circl.e
  • Line 2: Accepts the radius of the circle as input.
  • Line 3: Calculate the area of the circle using formula and round it off to two digits.
  • Line 4: Displays the area of the circle.

\textsf{\large{\underline{Sample I/O}:}}


Enter the radius of the circle: 20

Area of the circle is: 1256.64 square unit.



Enter the radius of the circle: 10

Area of the circle is: 314.16 square unit.

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