Geography, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago

Q.1. (A) Choose the correct option by identifying the correct correlation in the sentences :
1.This landform develops due to depositional work of wind. The windward slope of this
landform is gentle.
a) Loess plains b) barchans c) Seif d) Sand hills
2.Lumbering flourished as an occupation from the Newfoundland to Alaska in North America
because :
a) Tundra Climatic Region
b) Taiga Climatic Region
c) West European Climatic Region
d) China-type climatic region
3. Sometimes, the river starts erosion upstream. This happens when the head stream gets a lot of
water in the early stages of river’s flow.
a) Down cutting b) Headword erosion c) Lateral erosion d) Vertical erosion
4. Water or snow enters the cracks in the rocks and makes it weak. When the glacier passes on
these rocks, it pulls the rocks at the bottom along with it. This process is called
a) Plucking b) Abrasion c) Attrition d) Transportation
5. Soft rock erodes beneath the hard rock due to sea waves. This results into landforms which
further develop as sea arches. The landform is
a) Sea cave b) sea stack c) sea cliff d) wave cut platformXI Geography Page 2
Q.1.B Identify the correct group : (2)
A) 1) Symmetrical fold B) 1) Black Forest
2) Isoclinal fold 2) Vosges
3) Overturned fold 3) Himalayas
4) Recumbent fault 4) Satpuras
C) 1) Narmada Valley D) 1) Caldera
2) African Valley 2) Crater lake
3) Tapi Valley 3) Cinder Cone
4) Rhine Valley 4) Lava plateau
Q1 C. Complete the table : (3)
Agents Erosional landforms Depositional
1) River _________ ____________
2) Wind _________ ____________
3) Sea waves _________ _____________
Q.1. (D)State whether the following statements are True or False (4)
1. Igneous rocks are formed from lavawhich has come from eruptions on the Earth’s surface
2. Minerals such as feldspar and carbonates decompose when they react with CO2 in the air.
3. The material acquired by the agents is transported by rolling, pushing and dragging along the
surface. The material consists of boulders and big rocks is SOLUTION.
4.the bed is less eroded. However the erosion along the banks and the slope of the valley
increases. Hence,The valley with almost vertical sides becomes wider resembling the letter U.
Q.2. (B) Give reasons or explain the following statements (Any 2) (4)
1) The Eastern coast of India have deltas formed by the rivers but the Western coast has
2)The diurnal range of temperature is more in desert areas.
3). People living in the Himalayas are more vulnerable to earthquakes.
Q.3. (A) Distinguish between (Any 2) (4)
1. U shaped valley and V shaped valley
2. Rainforests and Savannah Climatic Regions
3. Normal fault and Reverse fault
Q.3. (B) Write short note (Any 2) (6 )
1. Conditions necessary for work of wind.
2. The work of rivers in hilly areas and human activities
Q. 4) On a world map, show the following areas draw the index key to show the regions
1) Savannah climatic region in Africa (10)
2) Highland climatic region in India
3) Chile and Russia
4) Ice cap climatic region
5) Desert climatic region
Q.5 Write explanatory answers (Any 2) (12)XI Geography Page 3
1. Which agents of erosion can you see on the cover page of the textbook? Which landforms can
you see there? Write the process of formation of any one.
2. Russia is larger than Chile in area but doesnot experience climatic diversity as Chile.Explain.
3. Explain the concept of shadow zone.


Answered by tusharshri215



Answered by sc45rsgmailcom


भारत में अधिकतर हिन्दू महावीर स्वामी की मूर्ति देखते हैं तो वे उसे बुद्ध की मूर्ति मान बैठते हैं। हिन्दुओं को तो ज्यादा शिक्षा की जरूरी है क्योंकि वे खुद के ही धर्म और समाज को ही अच्छी तरह नहीं जानते हैं। तभी उनकी बुद्धि में ज्यादा विरोधाभास और भ्रम रहता है। इसके कई कारण है जिसमें राजनीतिक कारण ज्यादा है। खैर.. आप जानिए भगवान महावीर स्वामी और गौतम बुद्ध के संबंध में 10 रोच बातें।

1.गौतम बुद्ध का जन्म 563 ई.पू और भगवान महावीर का जन्म 599 ई.पू. हुआ था। मतलब यह कि भगवान महावीर का जन्म बुद्ध के जन्म के पूर्व हुए था और वे दोनों ही एक ही काल में विद्यमान थे। भगवान महावीर ने चैत्र शुक्ल की तेरस को जन्म लिया जबकि गौतम बुद्ध ने वैशाख पूर्णिमा के दिन जन्म लिया था।

2.भगवान महावीर स्वामी का जन्म स्थान क्षत्रिय कुण्ड ग्राम (कुंडलपुर-वैशाली) बिहार है जबकि गौतम बुद्ध का जन्म नेपाल के लुम्बिनी वन में रुक्मिनदेई नामक स्थान पर हुआ था।

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