Q:1) A. Read the given passage and answer the questions which are given below it. Tom was given the chore of white washing thirty yards of fence on a Sunday afternoon. And what was worse? It was one of those warm summer days when everyone else was out playing ball or swimming. And there was Tom, all alone on the sidewalk with a long handled brush and a bucket of whitewash. He looked at the fence. It seemed enormous, and he knew it would take all day to give it only one coat. Tom began to think of all the fun we had planned for the day, and he felt even more sorry for himself. Soon his friends would come down the street, and he shuddered to think of how they would laugh to see him whitewashing a fence on such a beautiful day. There had to be a way out of this situation. Tom empty his pocket and looked at his worldly wealth bits of toys, marbles and trash. He might be able to bribe someone else to help him for a while, but there wasn't nearly enough to buy a whole day of freedom. Tom thought for a while....then an inspiration burst upon him! Questions: 1. What work was Tom given to do? What made it worse? 2 What made Tom feel really sorry for himself and look for a way out of the situation? 3. Why did Tom empty his pocket? 4. Underline the conjunctions in the following sentence: * He might be able to bribe someone else to help him for a while, but there wasn't nearly enough to buy your whole day of freedom. him to let you play for your
Answered by
1. Tom was given the chore of white washing thirty yards of fence on a sunday afternoon.
2. It was one of those warn summer days when everyone was playing or swimming, Tom was all alone on the sidewalk with a long handled brush and a bucket of whitewash. That made Tom feel really sorry for himself.
3. Tom empty his pocket so he might be able to bribe someone to help him for a while.
4. to
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