Math, asked by mianshakeeltgmailcom, 7 months ago


a) State the null and alternative hypothesis for a test to determine the validity of the claim

b) Identify left, right, or two-tailed test type

i. The 2011 average service time for Fast Fatz Burgers was 56 seconds. The store manager claims that the 2012 average is more than 5 seconds faster.

ii. Speedy Solutions is a delivery company that claims all deliveries average less than 72 hours.

iii. At least 60% of Indians vote in presidential elections.

iv. Chance of developing heart attack is 40% for women.


A farmer is trying out a planting technique that he hopes will increase the yield on his pea plants. The average number of pods on one of his pea plants is 145 pods with a standard deviation of 100 pods. This year, after trying his new planting technique, he takes a random sample of 64 of his plants and finds the average number of pods to be 147. He wonders whether or not this is a statistically significant increase.

i. What would the null and alternative hypotheses be for this scenario?

ii. What would the standard error be for this particular scenario?

iii. Describe in your own words how you would set the critical regions and what they would be at an alpha level of .05.

iv. Test the null hypothesis and explain your decision


You have just taken ownership of a pizza shop. previous owner told you that you would save money if you bought the mozzarella cheese in a 4.5 pound slab on the average. Each time you purchase a slab of cheese, you weigh it to ensure that you are receiving a standard deviation of 72 ounces of cheese. The results of 7 random measurements are 70, 69, 73, 68, 71, 69 The and 71 ounces. Are these differences due to chance or is the distributor giving you less cheese than you deserve?

i. State the hypotheses.

ii. Calculate the test statistic.

iii. Would the null hypothesis be rejected at the 10% level? The 5% level? The 1% level?


A rowing team consists of four rowers who weigh 21, 36, and 42 pounds. Find all possible random samples with replacement of size three and compute the sample mean for each one. Use them to find the sampling distribution of the sample mean. Also verify the results.


Given the six-element population 8, 12, 15, 19, 21, 25, 32, and 36. How many samples of size 2 can be drawn, without replacement from this population? Compute the sampling distribution of the mean for samples of size 2. Compute the mean and standard deviation of this distribution. Also verify the results.​


Answered by pnissintha


this is soooooooo big

Step-by-step explanation:

dude....come on

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