Q 1. Although A Tale of Two Cities is a work of fiction, most of the information about the Reign of Terror is true. Write in your own words, three salient features of the Reign of Terror by searching the internet.
The three salient features of Reign of terror are;
Unlike Tale of two cities, this is not a fiction. This was about a period in France when it was governed by Maxmillian Robespierre.
Other feature was that it was a time of republican people and those who went against them were guillotined
The king and queen concept was replaced with citizens of France
region of terror
Use of flour was forbidden for everybody. Everyone had to eat bad quality bread and had to pay a lot of taxes so they were left poor.
the king and queen of France were executed.farmhand/country women and men were forced to transport fruits,cereals,seeds and food i,grain at a fixed price.
The Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punished,the people who disobeyed his policies and were imprisoned and guillotined.