Q.1 Answer the following questions.
1. What are the basic practices of crop production?
2. What are crops? Explain the two crops in detail.
3. Write a short note on weeding.
4. Explain how fertilizers are different from manures?
5. Give examples of two Rabi and two Kharif crops.
6. Explain modern method of sowing.
7. What is crop rotation and why is it important?
8. How are grains stored and protected?
9. Mention names of any two fertilizers.
10. Why is it necessary to sow seeds at appropriate depth
A1) What are basic practices of crop production
preparation of soil.
adding manure and fertilisers.
protection from weeds.
A2) 1 CASH CROP which are selled by the farmers in the market and not used by them to eat. For example cotton. 2 FOOD CROP which are used by the farmers and also used by them to eat For example wheat. A crop is a plant that is cultivated or grown on a large scale.
A3) Weeding or weed control is the process of removing unwanted plants from crop fields. Here physical, chemical and biological methods are used to stop weeds from reaching a mature stage of growth when they could be harmful to domesticated plants and livestock.
A4) Manures and fertilizers are soil additives that improve the soil quality, helping plants to grow. The main difference between the two is that manure is all-natural animal droppings while fertilizer may be natural but may also have chemicals and other unknown substances added to it.
A5) Rabi crops- wheat, barley, oats, gram, mustard, linseed.
Kharif crops- rice, maize, millet, ragi, pulses, soybean, groundnut.
A6) The modern method of sowing seeds is through a seed drill. The seed drill is powered by a tractor and it helps sow the seeds uniformly at proper distance and depths. It ensures that seeds, once dropped, also get covered by the soil after sowing. ... Sowing refers to the process of planting seeds in the prepared soil.
A7) Crop rotation helps to maintain soil structure and nutrient levels and to prevent soilborne pests from getting a foothold in the garden. When a single crop is planted in the same place every year, the soil structure slowly deteriorates as the same nutrients are used time and time again.
A8) Grains are stored in SILOS and GRANARIES. They are large cylindrical structures which protect the grains from moisture as moisture gives a suitable atmosphere for bacteria to grow. Neem leaves can also be used to keep pests away.
A9) Animal and plant by products.
Sodium Nitrates. Sodium Nitrates are also known as Chilates or Chilean nitrate. ...
Ammonium Sulphate. ...
Ammonium Nitrate. ...
Ammonium Sulphate Nitrate. ...
Ammonium Chloride. ...
Urea. ...
Ammonia. ...
Organic Nitrogenous Fertilizers.
A10) It is necessary to sow seeds at a proper depth because if seeds are sown very close to the surface ,birds and insects may eat them. Whereas, if seeds are sown much below than the ground they will lack water ,soil nutrients and sunlight