English, asked by monissyed2, 8 months ago

Q.1 Explain with reference to the context the following passage
into Urdu.
A story is told of Tansen, the great bard of Akbar's court which
illustrates this point vividly. Tansen was a great musician and Akbar was
very fond of his music. One day when Tansen was in particularly good
form, Akbar went into ecstasy and asked him, "What is the secret of this
sweet concord of notes which takes me out of this world and transports
me to Divine regions? I have not heard any one else who can thus cast a
spell of magic and make a slave of our hearts. You are really wonderful
Tansen." The great bard replied, "Sir, I have not mastered even a fraction
of the master's technique, grace and charm."​


Answered by sawakkincsem

This passage is taken from the book Our Indian Music – Stories And Anecdotes written by the very famous R. Srinivasan.


  • کہانی دو مرکزی کرداروں تنسن اور اکبر کے بارے میں ہے۔
  • تانسن ایک غیر معمولی موسیقار ہے۔
  • وہ انتہائی راگ الاپ جاتا ہے۔
  • ہر ایک کا خیال تھا کہ اس کے آلات اور گانوں میں جادو ہے۔
  • وہ کسی کو بھی اپنی موسیقی سے دلکش چھوڑنے کے لئے جانا جاتا تھا۔

Learn more about English here https://brainly.in/question/232077

Answered by jeetpatel82


who was tansen? why did akbar like him so much?

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