Q.1) Fill in the blanks.
1) web is a collection of ____________
2) __________ is a simple language to design and develop web pages.
3) The world wide web consist of________.
4) The web aids users to explore the ___________.
5) Web pages contain __________to other web pages.
Q.2) True or false.
1) !DOCTYPE is case of sensitive .
2) It is faster to render HTML and CSS than to interpret and execute JavaScript.
Q.3) Multiple choice one.
1) The entire content for the web pages is enclosed within ___________tags.
a) <BODY> b) <head> c) <Text> d) <html>
2) Correct HTML tag for the largest heading is
a) <head > b) <h6> c) <heading> d) <h1>
3) Web pages starts with which of the following tag?
a) <BODY> b) <TITLE> c)<HTML> d) <FORM>
Q.4) Multiple choice Two.
1) Following are the examples of web browser .
a) Opera b) Windows Explorer c)Windows d) Mozilla Firefox e) SQL
Q.5) Multiple choice Three.
1) Three different ways of inserting style sheets are______
a) Inline style b) Internal style c) External style
d) Inbuilt Style e) Link f) Rel
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2=web design
3=global collection
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