Give answer in one sentence / one word.
Define density.
What is composting?
Define garbage.
What is handpicking?
Name the following disease in children due to the deficiency of proteins and car
Define balanced diet.
Give two examples of transparent materials.
What is the SI unit for length?
I Kilometre =
1 ) Density ( p ) is a measure of how much matter occupies a given amount of space . It is quantified with the ratio of mass (m) per unit volume (v)
2 ) Composting is a not a new idea . In the natural world , Composting is what happens as a leaves pile up on the forest floor and begin to decay . Eventually nutrients from the rotting leaves are reclaimed by recycling process
3 ) The definition of garbage is waste to be thrown out , or everything worthless or offensive.
4 ) Handpicking
- It is a excellent method of controlling pests especially when few plants are infested
- It is the easiest and direct way to kill the visible and slowly moving pests
5 ) Based on available literature the researcher arrived at conclusion that insufficient of protein may cause various health various problems such as kwashiorkor , marasmus , impaired mental health, edema , organ failure , wasting and shrinkage of muscle tissues , and weakness of immune system.
6 ) A diet which contains different types of food possessing the nutrients
Carbohydrates , protein , fats , vitamins , minerals , and water - in a proportion to meet the requirement of the body
7 ) Example : Is transparent to all visible light . Transculent objects allow some light to travel through them
8 ) Quantity = Length
Name of unit = Meter
Symbol = m