Q.1. How will you separate a mixture
containing kerosene and petrol (difference in
their boiling points is more than 25°C), which are
miscible with each other?
It can be separated by crystallization techniques...
A technique known as simple distillation can be used to separate the mixture of miscible liquids, where the difference in boiling point is more than 25°C, to name a few – kerosene and petrol. The whole concept is established on the volatility property of substances. The following are the various steps in the process of simple distillation:
(a) In a distillation flask, take the mixture.
(b) Treat the mixture with heat while a thermometer is affix.
(c) We observe evaporation of petrol as it has a low boiling point.
(d) As the vapours advance towards the condenser, a dip in the temperature causes condensation of the vapours into liquid which can be accumulated in a flask.
(e) We notice that kerosene tends to remain in the flask in a liquid state due to comparatively higher boiling point.
(f) Consequently, the liquids are separated.