Social Sciences, asked by kasanabilal786, 1 year ago

Q.1: Multiple choice questions with solutions. Choose the correct option:

(1) When did Germany withdraw herself from the League of Nations?
(a) 1931
(b) 1932
(c) 1933
(d) 1934

(ii) The Great Depression was a period of:
(a) Economic Crisis
(b) Political Crisis
(c) Global Crisis
(d) Social Crisis

(iii) What was Jungvolk in Nazi Germany?
(a) Book
(b) School
(c) Library
(d) Youth Organisation

(iv) The Nazi party had become the largest party by:
(a) 1930 (b) 1931
(c) 1932 (d) 1933

(v) Which countries signed Tripartite Pact?
(a) Germany, Austria and Japan
(b) Germany, Italy and Japan
(c) U.K, France and Japan
(d) France, U.K and USSR

(vi) When did the Second World War come to an end?
(a) March 1945
(b) April 1945
(c) May 1945
(d) June 1945

(vii) Who was the propaganda minister of Hitler?
(a) Hjalmar Schacht
(b) Hindenburg
(c) Gobbels
(d) Helmuth.

(viii) After the Second World War, which committee was formed to prosecute Nazi war
criminals ?
(a) Treaty of Versailles
(b) Reichstag Committee
(c) IMT
(d) International Peace Forum

(ix) Who among the following propounds the theory of the "Survival of the Fittest"?
(a) Charles Darwin
(b) Herbert Spencer
(c) Adolf Hitler
(d) Hjalmar Schacht

(x) What was the name given to gas chambers by Nazis?
(a) Killing Machine
(b) Solution Areas
(c) Revolutionary Ground (d) Disinfection Areas.​


Answered by aashifaparveen1622

Answers for question no:1

c) 1933


It is 12th November, 1933 the Germany withdraw herself from league of nations..

Answer for q. no. 2

a) economical crisis

August 1929 – March 1933 is the period of great depression..

Answer for 3

d)youth organization.

"German Youngsters in the Hitler Youth") was the separate section for boys aged 10 to 14 of the Hitler Youth organisation in Nazi Germany.

Answer for 4

c) 1932

By 1932,it had become the largest party with 37%votes

Answer for 5

b) Germany, Italy and Japan.

On September 27, 1940, the Axis powers are formed as Germany, Italy, and Japan become allies with the signing of the Tripartite Pact in Berlin.

Answered by Bilalkasana

Hi I am kasanabilal786@Bilalkasana

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