Q.1. Name five things which can roll.
Q.2. Name five things which can slide.
Q.3. Name five things which can both roll and slide.
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Q1 :- name of five things which can roll.
Answer :-all the circular things can roll .
ball, , orange , apple , lemon, football etc.
Q2 :- name of five things which can slide.
Answer :- All flat things can can slide.
books , duster , notebooks, plate, tablet , laptop etc.
Q3 :- name of five things which can slide and roll .
Answer :- coin , markers , wheels , bowl, pencil etc can slide as well as roll.
Answer :-all the circular things can roll .
ball, , orange , apple , lemon, football etc.
Q2 :- name of five things which can slide.
Answer :- All flat things can can slide.
books , duster , notebooks, plate, tablet , laptop etc.
Q3 :- name of five things which can slide and roll .
Answer :- coin , markers , wheels , bowl, pencil etc can slide as well as roll.
Answered by
1. 5 things which can roll are lemon, football, basketball, ball, orange etc.
2. 5 things which can slide are book, duster, notebook, plate, laptop etc
3. 5 things which can slide as well as roll are wheels pencil, pen, marker, coin etc
2. 5 things which can slide are book, duster, notebook, plate, laptop etc
3. 5 things which can slide as well as roll are wheels pencil, pen, marker, coin etc
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