Q.1 Name the parts of a flower.
Q.2Which of the skull bones are movable?
Q.3What is ball and socket joint?
Q.4Name two flowers each with joint and separated sepals.
1. The four main parts of a flower are the petals, sepals, stamen, and carpel (sometimes known as a pistil). If a flower has all four of these key parts, it is considered to be a complete flower.
2.The only bone in your skull that forms freely movable joints is your mandible, or jawbone.
3.Ball-and-socket joint, also called spheroidal joint, in vertebrate anatomy, a joint in which the rounded surface of a bone moves within a depression on another bone, allowing greater freedom of movement than any other kind of joint.
4.Flower with joined sepals is Periwinkle (Sadabahar) Datura, Cotton and Hibiscus (China rose).
Flower with separated sepals is Rose, Lotus and Magnolia.
1)The four main parts of a flower are the petals, sepals, stamen, and carpel (sometimes known as a pistil). If a flower has all four of these key parts, it is considered to be a complete flower. If any one of these elements is missing, it is an incomplete flower.
2)The only bone in your skull that forms freely movable joints is your mandible, or jawbone.
3)Ball and socket joints are a type of synovial joint where the spheroid articular surface of one bone sits within a cup-like depression of another bone
4)Flowers with joined sepals are Hibiscus which is also known as china rose and another one is periwinkle. - Flowers with separated sepals are Magnolia and Rose.