English, asked by navneetkaursethi, 4 days ago

Q.1 Read the following passage and answer the questions: (6)
Our body is a wonderful mechanism and when subjected to unusual stress over a period of time, it adapts itself to deal more effectively with that stress. Therefore when you exert your muscles against resistance, they are forced to adapt and deal with this extraordinary workload. This is the principle of weight training. One of the great merits of weight training is the strength of your heart. During weight training, your heart is forced to beat faster and stronger in order to pump sufficient blood to the muscles. Since your body needs a given amount of blood to perform its daily tasks, your heart will need fewer beats to pump the same quantity of blood. Your entire circulatory system is given a thorough workout every time you exercise, which increases its overall efficiency. Your body becomes a well-oiled and finely-tuned piece of machinery which we all need in this stress-filled world.
a. Our body is a wonderful mechanism when _____________________________.
b. What is the principle of weight training?
c. What is the merit of weight training?
d. What does the body become like after a thorough workout?
e. The meaning of ‘well-oiled’ in the passage denotes :
1. Massaged 2.Greased 3.Healthy 4.Services
f. State a suitable title for the passage.


Answered by falakagarwal73


a. subjected to unusual period of time

b. exert your muscles against resistance, they are forced to adapt and deal with this extraordinary workload. This is the principle of weight training.

c. One of the great merits of weight training is the strength of your heart.

d. During weight training, your heart is forced to beat faster and stronger in order to pump sufficient blood to the muscles.

e. 3.greased

f. Passage of Workout or Work-out

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