English, asked by azranazir30, 8 months ago

Q.1: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Before I was two years old, a circumstance happened which have never forgotten.
ilt was early in the spring; there had been a little frost in the night and a light mist
still hung over the woods and meadows. The other colts and I were feeding at the
lower part of the field when we heard, quite in the distance, what sounded like
the cry of dogs.
The oldest of the colts raised his head, pricked his ears, and said, 'They are the
hounds! and immediately cantered off, followed by the rest of us to the upper
part of the field, where we could look over the hedge and see several fields
beyond. My mother and an old riding horse of our master's were also standing
near and seemed to know all about it

d) Pick out the Verbs and Adjectives from the above passage.


Answered by adya45897




sounded,raised,pricked, said,cantered,followed,look over, see, riding, standing, seemed, know.


two, little,light,other,quite,

follow me

mark me as brainliest

Answered by dualadmire

Pick out the Verbs and Adjectives from the above passage.


From the first paragraph

  • Happened, Forgotten

From the second paragraph

  • Hung, feeding, heard, sounded

From the third paragraph

  • raise, pricked, said, cantered, followed, look over, see, riding, standing, seemed, know.


  • Two, little, light, other, quiet.

  1. Verbs describe a state, occurrence, an action.
  2. There are many kinds of verbs for example (physical verbs)
  3. Adjective helps in modifying nouns.

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