English, asked by shub1001200, 1 year ago

Q 1 Read the given passage and choose the correct option to complete the given sentences. (5)

With the hectic lifestyle people lead today and the rise in stress level, it may be hard to let go and switch off, and just sink into blissful sleep. With new careers in the modern industry, which involve modern work pressure and deadlines, sleep is becoming more of a problem rather than a relaxant like what it is supposed to be.
A expert psychiatrist says he sees at least five new cases of patients with sleep disorders every month. " These cases, that are primarily cases of insomnia, are mostly stress-related. There are other causes too like excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol and burdensome relationship too, " he said.

" There are very often periods during which one's sleep cycle is disturbed or one is going to a stressful period in one's life, and as a result one has problem of sleeping for a few days or weeks. That wouldn't really constitute a sleep disorder, as it is temporary". he adds. There are other causes, doctors believe, which lead to insomnia other sleep-related problems.

Though one cannot make a generalization about the community as a whole , it seems like people all over the world are actually sleeping less. Television may also have contributed to this problem.
Sleep, which is essential for health and well- being, is not merely just at time -out from our daily routine. It's important to let our batteries recharge every night.

So, instead of losing sleep, it is important to do something about it before it affects one's health as a whole.
A good night's sleep not only lightens your mind, it has the potential to aid weight loss too. One of the greatest theories is that sleep deprivation is also tied to weight gain.
The key here is to understand beneficial effects of adequate sleep on weight management achieved by the regulation of bodily chemicals during sleep. Another study shows that sleep deprivation contributes to overeating and weight gain.
From the given options choose the correct one to complete the following sentences : (a) Sleeping well has become problematic these days because of ____________________
daily routine
weight loss
work pressure
(b) Sleeping is like a time out from a daily routine. it is time ______________
to gain weight
to take care of health
to beat more
to stop watching TV
(c) People lose sleep because of ___________
watching TV
eating less
body chemicals
(d) A good night's sleep gives us benefit.
lightens our mind
affects our health
makes us eat more
causes burdens on relationships
(e) Insomnia is also caused due to ____________
trying to meet deadlines at work
a relaxing lifestyle
temporary sleep disorder
considering it as timeout


Answered by ambushakshi11



Answered by kumar6754d


(a) work pressure

(b) to care for health

(c) watching t.v

(d) lightens our mind

(e) television

(f) temporary sleep disorder

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