English, asked by ak7976144, 10 months ago

Q.1.Read the passage and answer the following questions:

Oncet here was a little boy who had a very bad temper. His father gave him abago fnails

and told him to hammerbanailintothebackofthefence,everytimehelosthistemper.The

firstdaytheboy drovethirty-sevennailsintothefence.Overthenextfewweeks,ashelearnt

tocontrolhisanger, thenumberofnailshammereddailygraduallydwindleddown.He

discovereditwaseasiertohold histemperthantodrivethosenailsintothefence.


His fathersuggestedtohissontopulloutonenailforeachdaywhenhewasabletoholdhis


weregone.The fathertookhissonbythehandandledhim tothefence.Hesaid,"Youhave

donewell,myson,but lookattheholesinthefence.Thefencewillneverbethesame.When

yousaythingsinanger,they leaveascarjustlikethisone.Youcanputaknifeinamanand

drawitout.itwillnotmatterhow manytimesyousayIam sorry,thewoundisstillthere.

“Averbalwoundisasbadasaphysical one”.

a. Whydidtheboy'sfathergivehimabagofnails?

b. Whydidthenumberofnailstheboyhammeredintothefencelesseneachday?

c. Whatdidtheboydiscover?

d. Wastheboyabletocontrolhisangerintheend?

e. Whatisthemoralofthestory?​


Answered by 30072005r


the father gave bag of nail to hammer into the back of fence .He also wanted to taught him a lesson for controlling anger

2.Because his father asked him to pull nails

3.The boy discovered that now can easily hammer the nails into the back of fence and can easily easily hold his temper

4.Yes , he was.

5.Moral - You will be not punished for anger .But you will be punished for your anger

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