English, asked by farhan556666, 3 months ago

Q.1 Read this letter by Russian writer Anton Chekov to his brother, Ivan and give answers to the following questions:

I am now in Venice. I arrived here two days ago from Vienna. One thing I can say: I have never in my life seen a town

more marvellous than Venice. It is perfectly enchanting. Instead of streets and roads, there are canals; instead of cabs,

gondolas. The architecture is amazing, and there is not a single spot that is not of some historical or artistic interest. You float

in a gondola and see the Palace of the Doges, the house where Desdemona lived, homes of various painters, churches. And in

the churches there are sculptures and paintings such as we have never dreamed of.

All day from morning till night I sit in a gondola and glide along the streets, or I walk about the famous St. Mark’s

Square. The square is as level and clean as a parquet floor. Here there is St. Mark’s, the Palace of the Doges- I feel their

amazing beauty and revel in it.

And the evenings! One goes about in a gondola, [there is] warmth, stillness, stars. There are no horses in Venice. So

there is a silence here as in the open country. Gondolas flit to and fro. Then a gondola glides by, hung with lanterns. In it are a

double-bass, violins, a guitar, a mandolin and cornet, two or three ladies, several men, and one hears singing and music. They

sing from operas. What voices! One goes on a little further and gain meets a boat with singers, and then again. The air is full,

till midnight, of the mingled strains of violins and tenor voices. Merezhkovsky, whom I have met here, is off his head with

happiness. For us poor and oppressed Russians, it is easy to go out of our minds here in a world of beauty, wealth, and

freedom. One longs to remain here forever, and stand in the churches and listen to the organ.

The tombs of Canova and Titian are magnificent. Here they bury great artists like kings in churches; they do not

despise art, as with us. The churches provide a shelter for picture and statues. In the Palace of the Doges, there is a picture in

which there are about ten thousand human figures.

Today is Sunday. There will be a band playing in St. Mark’s Square. If you ever happen to come to Venice, it will be the

best thing in your life. You ought to see the glass here! Your bottles (His brother Ivan was teaching in a school attached to a

glass factory) are so hideous compared with the things here that is makes one stick to think of them. I will write again.


Answered by daniyaaK1904

Reading ke baad gya krna h bhai

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