English, asked by prithvirajbarate6, 9 months ago

Q.1 Rend the extract and answer the questions given.
The mais vendor blow out his fare and roso to go home. This was a signal
for the STROLOG to bundle up too, since it Ich him in darkness except for
little shall of green light which strayed in from somewhere ind touched the
ground before him He picked up his cowrie shells and paraphemalia and
was putting them back into bis bag wtren the green shan of light WAS
blotted out. He looked up and saw a man standing before him. He senised a
possible client and said "You look so carewom. I will do you good to sit
down for a while and chat with me. The other grumbled some reply vaguely
The astrologer pressed his invitation, whereupon the other thrust his palm under
his nose, saying "You call yourself an astrologer? The astrologer felt
challenged and said, tilting the other's palm towards the green shall of light
"Yours is a nature “Oh, stop that the other said "Tell me something
worthwhile Our friend felt piqued. I charge only three ptes per question and
what you go ought to be good cnough for your money. At this the other
withdrew his arm took out an ama, AND flung it out to him, saying "I have
somne questions to ask ifl prove you are bluffing, you must retum that anna to
me with interest
"If you und my answers satisfactory, will you give me five
"Or will you give me eight amas?
"All right, provided you give me twice is much if you are wrong." said
Iniest Series-I/ Arts, Sd Com English set AM40
Page 1
Question Paper page 2
the stranger
This pact was accepted nor a little further argument. The
astrologer sent up a prayer to heaven as the other lit A charcol. The astrologer
caught a glimpse of his face by the match light. There was a pause as cars
hooled on the road, jutka drivers swore At their horses, and the babble of the
crosd agitated the semidarkness of the park. The other sat down, sucking his
cherzoi, pulling out, and sat there ruthlessly. The astrologer felt very
uncomfortable. Here, take your anna hock. I am not used to such challenges.
It is late for me todayHe made preparation to bundle up. The other hold
wrist and said You can't get out of it now. You dragged me in while I was
passing" The astrologer shivered in his grip and luis voice shook and became
faint. "Leave me today. I will speak to you tomorrow. The other thrust his
palm in his face and said "CHALLESTE is CHALLENCE. Go on." The astrologer
procooded with his throat drying up "There is a woman
Stop," said the other. I don't want all that. Shall I succeed in my
present search or not? Answer this and yo. Otherwise I will not let you go till
you disgorge all your coins." The astrologer muttered a few incantations and
replied: "All nght. I will speak. But will you give me a rupee iſ what I say is
convincing? Otherwise I will not open my mouth, and you may do what you
like" After a good deal of huggling the other agreed. The astrologer SAD
"You were len for dead. Am I right?
A.1. Identify True/False.
ilt was decided that if Astrologer is proved to be wrong, he has to give
the stranger twice
The astrologer was comfortable accepting Challenge
A.2. Find out the words from the passage which mean the following, (2)
i. Bargaining
ii. Supposedly magical words
A3. Complete the sentences.
1. The astrologer felt very uncomfortable because
a. The astrologer caught a glimpse of his face by the match light
b. He was in hurry to yo home
2. The stranger asked the astrologer about his
a future in the town
b. present search​


Answered by ronaksaini112


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good player

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