Q.1- Teaching of "Gautama Buddha" is still important in our life. Analyze the importance of
Buddhist teachings in our daily life.
0.2-By studying history we can understand our present' better Rationalize this statement with
Ans 1.The Eightfold Path
1. Right View : The knowledge of the
four noble truths.
2. Right resolve : Giving up cruelty,
3. Right speech : Refrain from telling
lies, telling tales, rude, harsh and
meaningless speech.
4. Right conduct : Stay away from
killing animals, stealing and
uncontrolled behavior.
5. Right livelihood : Using only the
proper means of livelihood.
6. Right effort : Making effort to avoid
wrong acts, giving up wrong acts,
undertaking and maintaining good
7. Right mindfulness : Being mindful
to remove passions and concentrating
on trying to understand one’s own
feelings and mind.
8. Right concentration : Experiencing
deep meditation with concentration.
Ans 2. I don't know from which class and lesson it is