Science, asked by shah3138, 5 months ago

Q. 1 write the meaning of the following terms.
a) works​


Answered by priya8514


the physical energy in something is likely known as work

Answered by Anonymous



to do something which needs physical or mental effort, in order to earn money or to achieve something

काम करना (शारीरिक या मानसिक श्रम करना, धनार्जन या कुछ प्राप्‍त करने के लिए)

Doctors often work extremely long hours.Doctors often work extremely long hours.


to make yourself/somebody work, especially very hard

किसी से (घोर) परिश्रम करवाना

The coach works the players very hard in training.The coach works the players very hard in training.



the job that you do, especially in order to earn money; the place where you do your job

काम, नौकरी (विशेषतः धनार्जन के लिए); नौकरी करने की जगह, कार्य-स्‍थल (दफ़्तर या फ़ैक्‍टरी आदि)

It is very difficult to find work in this city.It is very difficult to find work in this city.


something that requires physical or mental effort that you do in order to achieve something

(विशेष लक्ष्‍य को प्राप्‍त करने के लिए) शारीरिक या मानसिक श्रम की अपेक्षा वाली कोई वस्‍तु या काम

Her success is due to sheer hard work.Her success is due to sheer hard work.

Definitions from Oxford Languages


noun. Definition of work (Entry 2 of 3) 1 : activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something: a : activity that a person engages in regularly to earn a livelihood people looking for work. b : a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity.

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