Q.10. Answer the following questions.
(a) Thallophyta, bryophyta and pteridophyta are groups of plants come under the category of cryptograms. Explain it.
Sub kingdom Cryptogamae includes three divisions i.e., thallophyta, bryophyta and pteridophyts. Crytogams are seedless and flowerless plants, reproductive organs are inconspicuous and they reproduce by producing spores. On the other hand plants in sub-kingdom phanerogamae, includes angiosperms and gymnosperms, which are flowering plants and produce seeds. They have well differentiated reproductive organs and there is an embryonic stage during the life cycle.
Sub kingdom Cryptogamae includes three divisions i.e., thallophyta, bryophyta and pteridophyts. Crytogams are seedless and flowerless plants, reproductive organs are inconspicuous and they reproduce by producing spores. On the other hand plants in sub-kingdom phanerogamae, includes angiosperms and gymnosperms, which are flowering plants and produce seeds. They have well differentiated reproductive organs and there is an embryonic stage during the life cycle.