Q.10 Convert fractions into decimals:
i. 2/100. ii. 34/10. iii. 434/100. iv. 5/1000
Q.11 Write the following decimals in place value table.
i. 1.29. ii. 23.45. iii. 457.34 iv. 0.493
Q.12 A rectangle and a square have the same perimeter 100 cm. Find the side of the
square. If the rectangle has a breadth 2 cm less than that of the square. Find the
breadth, length and area of the rectangle.
Q.13 Ramesh deposited ₹ 2050 in a bank and in the month of January he withdrew ₹
410 from his account on the last date of the month. Find the ratio of
(a) Money withdrawn to the total money deposited.
(b) Money withdrawn to the remaining amount in the bank.
Q.14 Write all the integers between the following pair of integers:
(а) 0 and – 4
(B) – 5 and 5
(c) – 8 and – 13
(d) 3 and 6
Q.15 The marks obtained by six students in Mathematics are given below. Represent
the. data by a bar graph. Use a scale of 0.5 cm for each name on the horizontal axis
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ans=A ans =b jd3jwnwieihiekhpiqe[3hrd
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