Q.10) Translate the following into English-
एक किसान मेले से एक सुन्दर गाय लेकर लौट रहा था। उसे रास्ते में एक
डकैत मिला जिसके हाथ में एक लाठी थी। सुन्दर गाय को देखकर डकैत का
मन लालच से भर गया। धमकाते हुए उसने किसान से कहा “यह से भर गया।
धमकाते हुए उसने किसान से कहा यह गाय तो मेरी है। इसे छोड़ दो और
अपना रास्ता नाप'। किसान ने डरकर गाय डकैत को दे दी और घर चला
A farmer was returning from the fair with a beautiful cow. One on her way
Got a dacoit with a stick in his hand. Robbery on seeing the beautiful cow
The mind was filled with greed. Threatening, he told the farmer, “It was filled with it.
He said to the farmer, this cow is mine. Leave it and
Measure your way '. Fearing, the farmer gave the cow to the dacoit and went home
A farmer was returning from the fair with a beautiful cow. One on her way
Got a dacoit with a stick in his hand. Robbery on seeing the beautiful cow
The mind was filled with greed. Threatening, he told the farmer, “It was filled with it.
He said to the farmer, this cow is mine. Leave it and
Measure your way '. Fearing the farmer gave the cow to the dacoit and went home.