English, asked by 4444tclgpdi11h, 9 months ago

Q. 11 'Goodness can never be destroyed.' Do you agree? Illustrate with
reference to the story
"The Happy Prince'.



Answered by HimanshuSomvanshi


There is no substitute for goodness; goodness the ultimate beauty of life. It is the goodness that makes the world go. The ultimate winner is the good. The paradox about good deeds is incomprehensible! Though it is the good deeds that win hearts and heavenly blessings, however doing them is a very difficult job. All the great men and women who have been role models of perfection for all the mankind till present times, have been men and women who suffered a lot before winning their battle against evil. Not only they won the war, they won a place in the heart of humankind till eternity. Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, James Allen, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther, Albert Einstein, Booker T. Washington, Helen Keller and many more like them really had to struggle a lot for their good deeds. But the world remembers them, and will always remember them for their invaluable contributions to the making of the world a far better place. The deeds of these people have made them immortal. So the truth is: ‘Good deeds never die.’

Answered by aditya5120


The Happy Prince was a beautiful statue. This statue was on a tall pillar. The prince was covered with gold. There were two sapphires in place of his eyes. He had a ruby in his sword hilt. He could see all around the city. When he was alive, he lived in a palace. He was always happy. He had not seen the miseries of life. But now he could see miseries around him. He saw the hungry and the homeless. He was very sad. He was filled with pity. One day, a swallow came there. He saw the prince in tears. The prince told him that he wanted to help the poor and sad people. He sent his ruby and the sapphires of his eyes to the poor people. Now he was blind. He sent his gold also. Now he looked ugly. The swallow began to love the prince. The winter came but the swallow did not go away. He lived with the prince. One day, the swallow died. This broke the leaden heart of the statue. The statue was no longer beautiful. It was melted in a furnace. But the leaden heart did not melt. It was thrown in the dust heap. The dead swallow was also lying there. God sent one of his angels to bring the two most precious things. He took the dead swallow and the leaden heart to God. Both these things were really fit for paradise.

(प्रसन्न राजकुमार एक सुन्दर मूर्ति था । यह मूर्ति एक ऊँचे स्तंभ पर थी । राजकुमार सोने से ढका हुआ था । पाने हो ढका हुआ या । उसकी आँखों के स्थान पर दो नीलम थे । उसकी तलवार की मूठ में एक मणिक था । है वह शहर के चारों ओर देख सकता था । जब वह जीवित था तो एक महल में रहता था । वह सदा प्रसन्न था । उसने जीवन के कष्टों को नहीं देखा था । मगर अब बह अपने चारों ओर दु:खों को देख सकता था । उसने भूखे और बेघर लोगों को देखा। यह बहुत उदास हुआ । वह करुणा से भर गया । एक दिन वहाँ एक अबाबील आई । उसने राजकुमार को रोते हुए देखा । राजकुमार ने उसे बताया कि वह गरीब और उदास लोगों की सहायता करना चाहता है । उसने अपना मणिक और आँखों के नीलम गरीब लोगों के पास भेज दिए । अब वह अंधा हो गया था उसने अपना सोना भी भेज दिया । अब वह भद्दा लगता था । अबाबील ने राजकुमार से प्यार करना आरंभ कर दिया । सर्दी आ गई , मगर अबाबील वहाँ से नहीं गई । वह राजकुमार के पास रही । एक दिन अबाबील मर गई । इससे राजकुमार का सीसे का दिल टूट गया । अब मूर्ति सुंदर नहीं रही थी । इसे एक भट्टी में पिघला दिया गया । मगर सीसे का दिल नहीं पिघला । इसे कूड़े के ढेर पर फेंक दिया गया ।मरी हुई अबाबील भी वहीँ पड़ी थी । भगवान ने अपने एक फरिश्ते को दो सबसे महत्वपूर्ण वस्तुएं लाने को कहा । अबाबील तथा राजकुमार का सीसे का दिल भगवान के पास ले आया । ये दोनों वस्तुएं सचमुच स्वर्ग के लिए उचित थीं



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