Q. 13 Rancidity: We have seen mostly in summers that if we keep any food item at room
temperature for longer time it becomes stale. it is due to the oxidation of food when it
comes in contact with air. Due to which it starts smelling bad and taste bad. we can prevent it
by taking few precautions like storing in refrigerator it will slow down the activity of micro-
organisms due to which their shelf life increases. It can be prevented by Storing at low
temperature and adding preservative like salting, sugaring, nitrogen gas in potato chips etc.
What is oxidation of food ? Name the gas that is filled in potato chips packet to 03
prevent rancidity? Why nitrogen is filled in potato chips packet, why not hydrogen?
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To prevent Rancidity food items are flushed with nitrogen. Nitrogen do not react with oils and fat containing items
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