English, asked by gkwdsmnath, 2 months ago

Q. 18. I won a set of twelve coffee mugs at the fair. (Identify the type of the underlined verb) * )​


Answered by snehanegi17


Won is the past form and past participle of win.


I won a set of twelve coffee mugs at the fair.

Present tense  -  win

Past tense -         won

Past participle-   won

Answered by debarpanchatterjeesl

Answer:  Transitive verb


      Transitive verbs are verbs that require an object directly. An object can be a noun or it can be pronoun or a noun phrase that follows a verb and completes the  meaning of a sentence by indicating the person or thing that the person or thing performing the action of the verb receives.

Here, the set of 12 coffee mugs is the object and won in the verb.


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