Social Sciences, asked by ayushising9876543210, 10 months ago

Q.1Fill in the blanks:- {5}

1.Social forestry scheme is getting financial assistance


2.The people of Delhi proclaimed _____ as the

emperor of India .

3.The right of equality is one of the _____described in

the constitution.

4.Ghana bird sanctuary is located in ____

5.British historians termed the freedom struggle of

1857as ______.

Q.2 Short answers type question:- {5}

1.What is the constitution?

2.What is meant by soil erosion ?

3. What were the immediate causes of the freedom

struggle of 1857?

4.What is national income?

5.What is Economic planning?

Q.3 Answers the following questions:- {10}

1.What was the success of economic planning?​


Answered by rajeshkumaryadav1878


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 9 Force and Laws of



Questions - 1 Page: 118

1. Which of the following has more inertia: (a) a rubber ball and a stone of the same

size? (b) a bicycle and a train? (c) a five-rupee coin and a one-rupee coin?


Since inertia is dependent on the mass of the object, the object with the greater mass will hold

greater inertia. The following objects hold greater inertia because of their mass.

(a) Stone

(b) Train

(c) Five-Rupee coin

2. In the following example, try to identify the number of times the velocity of the ball

changes: “A football player kicks a football to another player of his team who kicks the

football towards the goal. The goalkeeper of the opposite team collects the football and

kicks it towards a player of his own team”. Also identify the agent supplying the force in

each case.


Let the two football teams be team A and team B respectively. Initially, the football is at rest.

Now, the football is kicked by a player on team A to another player of team A. (The velocity of

the ball has changed 1 time so far). This change is brought on by the force applied by the

player who kicked the ball.

The football is now kicked by the other team A player towards the goal. (The velocity of the ball

has changed 2 times so far). This change is also brought on due to the force applied by the

team A player who kicked the ball.

The goalkeeper of team B stops the ball, bringing it to rest. (the velocity of the ball has

changed 3 times so far). This change is brought on by the force applied by the goalkeeper of

team B to stop the ball.

Finally, the goalkeeper of team B kicks the ball towards another player of team B. the velocity

of the ball changes for a final time, bringing the


Answered by radhikagoyal336


short answer type question

1.A constitution is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organisation or other type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed

2.Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms. In agriculture, soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a field's topsoil by the natural physical forces of water (Figure 1) and wind (Figure 2) or through forces associated with farming activities such as tillage.

3. the introduction of enfield rifles in the army was the immediate cause because To load the rifle, sepoys had to bite the cartridge open to release the powder. The grease used on these cartridges was rumoured to be made of beef and pork which angered the hindu and the muslims in the army.

4.A variety of measures of national income and output are used in economics to estimate total economic activity in a country or region, including gross domestic product, gross national product, net national income, and adjusted national income.

5.Economic planning is a resource allocation system based on a computational procedure for solving a constrained maximization problem with an iterative process for obtaining its solution. Planning is a mechanism for the allocation of resources between and within organizations contrasted with the market mechanism.

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