English, asked by jamaluddinshaikh074, 2 months ago

Q: 2 (A) Choose the right sentence. (5) 1. a. Poets and novelists is no more. b. The poets and the novelist is no more. c. The poet and novelist is no more. 2. a. The captains, with all the players, is present in the ground. b. All the players, with the captain, are present in the ground. c. All the players, with the captain, is present in the ground. 3. a. Neither of the two plans is suitable. b. Neither of the two plans are suitable. c. Neither two plans are suitable. 4. a. The condition of these books is not good. b. The condition of these books are not good. c. The condition of this books is not good. 5. a. Neither the moon nor the stars are shining in the sky. b. Neither the moon nor the stars is shining in the sky. c . Neither the moon and the stars are shining in the​


Answered by XxBlushKingxX


we know that if x−α is a factor of p(x) then p(α)=0









Answered by BrainlySrijanll

1.(c) Cubic Cubic

2. Correct answer is: (d) Four Zeroes as the curve intersects the x-axis at 4 points

3. Correct answer is: (d) p≠0 p≠0

4. Correct answer is: (d) 3 3 Zeroes as the curve intersects the x-axis at 3 points

5. Correct answer is: (c) -3, -1, 2 -3,-1,2

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