Economy, asked by sunilaerwal408, 11 months ago

Q.2 केन्द्रीय सरकार की आय से प्रमुख स्त्रोंतों की विवेचना कीजिए
Discuss the main Sources of revenue of Central Government​


Answered by prudhvikoganti


about 50 percent of federal revenue comes from individual income taxes, 7 percent from corporate income taxes, and another 36 percent from payroll taxes that fund social insurance programs the rest comes from a mix of sources.


the federal government collected revenues of 3.5 trillion dollars in 2019 --- equal to about 16.3 percent of GDP. over the past 50 years, federal revenue has aver-aged 17.4 percent of GDP, ranging from 20.0 percent [in 2000] to 14.6 percent [most recently in 2009 and 2010]

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