Q.2. Write short note on supporting exercises and draw the pictures for the same:-
1. Habit and Habitat of Pila Globosa:
Pila globosa or the apple snail is one of the largest freshwater molluscs. It is commonly found in freshwater ponds, pools, tanks, lakes, marshes, rice fields and sometimes even in streams and rivers. They occur in those areas where there is a large amount of aquatic vegetation like Vallisneria, Pistia, for food. They are amphibious being adapted for life in water and on land.
The animal creeps very slowly by its ventral muscular foot, covering about five cm per minute.
The movement of the animal is like the gliding movement of planarian. During the rainy seasons Pila comes out of the ponds and makes long terrestrial tours, thus, respiring air directly. It can overcome long periods of drought in a dormant condition and buried in the mud; this period of inactivity is called aestivation or summer sleep.