Q.(23): Which of these directions is
the north pole of a magnet attracte
a to? Options
•magnetic north pole
•magnetic south pole
•magnetic north west pole
•magnetic south west pole
Earth has two geographic poles, the North Pole and the South Pole. They are the places on Earth's surface that Earth's imaginary spin axis passes through. Our planet also has two magnetic poles, the North Magnetic Pole and the South Magnetic Pole just like a bar magnet. The magnetic poles are near, but not quite in the same places as, the geographic poles. A magnetic compass does not point to the geographic north pole.
A magnetic compass points to the earth's magnetic poles, which are not the same as earth's geographic poles. Furthermore, the magnetic pole near earth's geographic north pole is actually the south magnetic pole and vice-versa. When it comes to magnets, opposites attract. This fact means that the north end of a magnet in a compass is attracted to the south magnetic pole, which lies close to the geographic north pole. Magnetic field lines outside of a permanent magnet always run from the north magnetic pole to the south magnetic pole. Therefore, the magnetic field lines of the earth run from the southern geographic hemisphere towards the northern geographic hemisphere.
Hence, the neutral points of a bar magnet kept with its north pole pointing towards geographic north are located on either side of the magnet in east and west direction as unlike poles attract each other.
Magnetic south pole
The earth has a geographic north pole and a south pole. Earth is magnetic. Imagine there is a huge bar magnet inside the earth (there is but it's not exactly a bar magnet, its magnetite - rocks with magnetic properties). The north pole of this bar magnet is near to the geographic south pole. And the south pole of the magnet is in the geographic north pole.
So, you might have a question: A magnet when freely suspended rests in a north-south direction. The magnetic north pole is pointing to the geographic north. But why not the south?
Because remember that the magnetic north pole is near the geographic south pole. And likes poles... repel.
So, it points to the geographic north pole where the magnetic south pole is present because unlike poles attract.
Hope you understood. :)