English, asked by tadvidurga79774, 11 months ago

Q.3.A) Name the following (Any four)
1) The southern most point of India,
2) Tributaries of river Sindhu in India.
3) Any two states or regions of low rain fall in India.
4) Any two trees found in both India and Brazil.
5) The aquatic animal found in Brazil.​


Answered by mahuabiswas13

1.indira point

2. chenab

3. rajasthan and gujrat

4. Montane forest is present in India and it is not found in Brazil. Explanation: The forest impactful highlands which are present in the Brazil are rain forests, "deciduous forests", "flooded forests", and "savannas".

5. piranha

Answered by sonalgurjar


1) Indira Point

2) five major tributaries, namely, the Chenab, Jhelum, the Ravi, the Beas, and the Sutlej.

3) Regions having low rainfall (50 to 100 cm) include parts Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh.

4) Neem , Hollong

5) The most well-known fish in Brazil is the piranha. Other aquatic and amphibian animals found in Brazil include the pink dolphin (the world's largest river dolphin), the caimans (such as the black caiman), and the pirarucu (one of the world's largest river fish).

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