English, asked by barthwal1342, 11 months ago

Q. 3. Create another new headline using the words from the following headlines :Tourism is key to boost jobs and local economyCOMMERCE : ONE OF THE BEST CAREER OPTIONSwater release on for winter cropsI never played for the moneyMANY MILLENIALS HAVE NEVER SPOKEN TO THEIR NEIGHBOURS: ​


Answered by rampraweshkumar79031


It is up to our government and planners to devise ways and means for the mobilisation of about ten crore workers whose families total up about forty crore men, women and children. Our agriculture is over-manned. A lesser number of agriculturists would mean more purchasing or spending power to every agriculturist. This will result in the shortage of man-power for many commodities to be produced for which there will be a new demand from a prosperous agrarian class. This shortage will be removed by surplus man-power released from agriculture as suggested above.

The passage best supports the statement that:

A. employment in production is more fruitful than employment in agriculture.

B. Indian economy is in a poor shape basically due to improper mobilisation of man-power.

C. a shift of labour from agricultural sector to the industrial sector would uplift the living standard.

D. the industrial sector is labour-deficient while the agricultural sector is over-manned in our country.

Answered by barkhasingh1840


winter best for tourism:shows study.


hence it the same on text book

hope its helps

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