Q.3. (E) Write short notes on.
(1) Weathering
2) Exfoliation
3) Granular weathering
4) Block disintegration
5) Mass movement
6) Erosion
1) weather in describe the brake lines on or discharging of Rocks and Minerals on the surface of the earth
2) exfoliation is a process of buffering of the outer layer of skin cells are studying parts of the surface. exfoliation often refers to something people have done at a sperm but it's not just for humans.
3) a form of weathering where the grains of a rock become loosen and fall out liye Pitted uneven surface
4) when the difference between the day and night temperature is large rocks expand and contract the expanse during the day when the temperature is high and contract during the night when the temperature is extremely low this results in the splitting of rocks
5) mass wasting also known as slow moment are mass movement is there geomorphic process by which soil stand Regal it and rock move downslope type Italy as a solid continuous or discontinuous mass largely under the force of gravity frequently with the characteristics of a flow as in debris flow and mudflows
6) erosion is the geological process in which Earth and materials are one and transported by natural forces such as wind and water are similar process weathering breakdown of resources but not involvement most erosion is perform the liquid water win or Ice usually in the form of glacier
I hope my answer helps you