Q. 3 Identify the Adjective clause and write whether it is introduced by Relative adverb or Relative pronoun.
1. This is the car which runs on hydrogen.

Adjective clauses (or relative clauses) are a type of subordinate clause that act as adjectives. The whole clause does the job of an adjective.
Quick Refresher
Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns.
Clauses are groups of words that contain both a subject and a verb.
Subordinate clauses cannot stand alone.
Take a look at this sentence.
The happy woman danced across the street.
Happy is a word. It is an adjective modifying the noun woman. It is telling us which woman. (Which one is an adjective question.) Which woman? The happy woman.
Even if you don't know anything about diagramming sentences, it's easy to see in the following sentence diagram that the word happy is modifying the word woman - it's branching right off woman!
sentence diagram of an adjective
Now, look at this sentence.