Q : 3 Pick the odd one out and name the category in which the other three belong:
(1) Mallus; Tympanum; Anvil; Stirrup.
(2) Retina; Conjunctiva; Sclera; Choroid.
(3) Ascent of sap; Osmosis; Diffusion; Imbibition.
(4) Thylakoid; Stroma; Fret; Granum.
(5) Pericardium; Pelura; Meninges; Cerebrospinal fluid
. (6) Optic nerve; Sacral nerve; Lumbar nerve; Cervical nerve.
(7) Medulla; Cortex; Urethra; Renal Pelvis.
(8) Pancreas; Adrenal; Liver; Thyroid.
(9) Pulmonary artery; Aorta; Renal Artery; Hepatic artery
. (10) Prophase; Anaphase; S Phase; Telophase
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reload proposal Islam Kalam Kalam Uddin floral idk if
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