English, asked by klodha2003, 6 months ago

Q. 3 Read the following passage and make notes on it Give a suitable title and summary too
Leadership does not exist without followership. A leader has to be accepted by the group which the
former is supposed to lead. To gain acceptability the leader should gain faith of the group. The
strength of character exhibited by leaders makes them dear to their followers. A leader is one who
effectively inspires followers to achieve worthwhile things. What character of the leader motivates
the followers? It is not pomp and show nor flattery nor sanctioning more incentives. Flattery is
unrealistic and cannot serve as a long term motivational tool. Simplicity is the key to leadership
When the leader is simple, he is counted as one belonging to the group That's enough to motivate
people. A leader needs to assume the role of the guide. He has to have a positive attitude,
knowledge, good communication skills and confidence. The leader shapes people and moulds
character. To achieve this, the leader should maintain equanimity. It is keeping onesel poised and
balanced at all times.
1. Make notes on the basis of comprehension of the passage. Supply a suitable title. (5)
2. Write a short summary in your own words.​


Answered by amanatsheikh123446


rjrjururu4ii jejeieiie jejjeje

Answered by kirtikachakraborty


1) The title of the passage should be ' How to be a Leader'.


  • The title is appropiate for the passage given because it highlights what qualities a person should have in order to be a leader .

2) The qualities of a leader as stated in the passage are:

  • A leader should have followers , accepted by mass of people for which he/she  has to have faith of his followers.
  • He should inspire and motivate his followers to make worthwhile things and play role of a guide.
  • Simplicity should be one of the quality of the leader
  • A leader should have positive attitude,knowledge,good communication,skills and confidence .
  • A leader should be should shape and mould character.
  • He should maintain equanimity.
  • Leaders should keep onesel poised and should be  balanced .
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