English, asked by farhanadar453, 2 months ago

Q.3. write a paragraph on any of the following topics. ( 250- 300 words)
a) COVID-19
b) Dussehra
c) Technology : our friend and foe.

please don't scam if you will scam i will report you all answers so please and please give answer but don't scam​


Answered by Anonymous

covid-19 : Now that COVID-19 vaccines have reached billions of people worldwide, the evidence is overwhelming that no matter which one you take, the vaccines offer life-saving protection against a disease that has killed millions. The pandemic is far from over, and they are our best bet of staying safe.

dusshera-Dussehra is one of the most important festivals of the Hindus. The festival marks the victory of Ram over Ravana, the demon king and thus signifying the victory of good over evil. Dussehra falls in the month of September-October. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm and vigor in different parts of the country.

Technology : our friend and foe.-Today, young ad ults at university have never experienced life without the presence of the internet; secondary school stud ents without the presence of Goo gle; pri mary school children without an i-device; and early years children without touc h scr eens, smart tech and multiple devices. This last generat ion, unlike those who have come before, is made up of digital nati ves.

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