English, asked by swara23042006, 8 months ago

Q.4. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities. 10m

A1. Write whether the following statements are True or False: 2m

1. The incident took place at noon.

2. Kunwar wanted rest before going further.

3. Sher Singh sat on the bank of a river.

4. Sher Singh could see one old tusker.

The sky blazed with stars. Presently, the moon rose. The sight of bear tracks in the dust-the

square front paw and long back one, with the shaggy claws-made him glance round uneasily.

He had once seen a man who had been mauled by a bear all his face torn away. He quickened

his steps.

Soon, on a cliff above a river-bed, Sher Singh knew he could go no further without rest. He set

Kunwar down gently. Suddenly all Sher Singh’s muscles, shrinking back to their natural

positions, thrilled with piercing pain. He lay against a tree with his eyes shut, recovering.

It was then he heard the jostle and squeal of elephants. Below him on each side of the

shallow river-bed, the elephants travelled. He could see the cows and the babies, and one

great old tusker. He was playing his trunk to and fro to learn whatever the breeze could tell

him, and he hesitated.

Sher Singh chilled with fright. With Kunwar to carry, he could neither climb nor run. Prayer

after prayer fled up from his frightened spirit.

The tusker snorted, trumpeted, and shook his head. Suddenly he hurried on angrily up the

river-bed and all the herd with him. They disappeared.


Answered by rupapenti1987


1) True

2) True

3) False

4) False

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