English, asked by khanmiya735, 15 days ago

Q.4 (A) Read the given passage and do the following activities: [10]

A1 Complete the diagram: [2]

It’s pretty obvious that we should be grateful to the “essential workers” during this time of shelter in

place. Food suppliers, health care workers, delivery people, and first responders have taken on risks to

themselves for the benefit of everyone else. How can we possibly repay them? By showing a little

gratitude and paying the kindness forward.

Before the pandemic, most of us probably didn’t think twice about the workers doing these jobs. Now

that they are on everyone’s radar, it’s been heart-warming to see grateful citizens showing their

appreciation openly by making signs, clapping or howling out their windows at night, dropping off

free meals, and over-tipping service workers. Even just saying “thank you” can go a long way

toward building good will.

Gratitude isn’t something we should just show to these current heroes in our midst, though.

We can show more gratitude for all of the people and things that make our life easier and happier.

Showing gratitude not only feels good, it encourages more kindness and generosity in both gratitude

recipients and anyone who witnesses the expression of gratitude, creating a virtuous cycle. And, since

sincere gratitude is a premier social glue in both personal relationships and society at large, offering it

helps build a kinder, more compassionate society—something we should all keep in mind.​


Answered by rupeshjana259



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