English, asked by rocksonal341, 8 months ago

Q.4 A2. Write your views against the idea: 'The generation gap is destroying family tradition and life.
You may use the following points in the view section:
The values of younger generation differ from the old.
Joint families are vanishing
The older people do not change according to the present
The present generation does not have patience and tolerance.​


Answered by divyanshdedha01



Shourya: Is The Generation Gap Destroying Family Life?

Shourya Shrivastava,Standard: XI-B,bluebells school international,Delhi.

Publish Date: Dec 18 2017 10:12AM|Updated Date: Dec 18 2017 2:58PMComments3Likes

Shourya: Is The Generation Gap Destroying Family Life?

There is usually no generation gap between grandparents and grandchildren. The apparent gap only shows itself with parents and progeny. This gap, even then, only becomes apparent when the progeny is in their teens and they are interacting more with 'thinkers' of their own age. The effect is control by your peers. Every generation goes through it. Lifestyle, fashion and interests are practically all created through interaction with one’s peers.

The problem is that the parents are now an alien force that ‘doesn’t understand'. The problem for the parents is that they put their own parents through it. The one cure for the 'problem', albeit a temporary problem, is communication. As long as one protagonist thinks the other doesn't understand then there will be no common ground. It's only when the progeny are flying solo in society, rather than living with an adult, that they start to see the ins and outs of a rather silly war. Your thinking doesn't change as you get older. Your fears are no different and your wants and needs are no different. It's just the way you perceive things at the time. I think that the gen gap does exist because yes it has always existed but now it's worse than ever and the tech is just making it way worse. Back then they didn't have iPads or laptops they had to do everything manually and no tech reliable. I have seen many children have stopped talking to their parents because of generation gap. Due to this family bond and life is being destroyed which is difficult for anybody to rebuild it. This was my opinion! What do you think

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