Q.4 Punctuate and analyse the sentence given below:<br />(5)<br />a flock of sheep didnt come bleating into the wheat farm<br />(A)<br />Proper noun | Common<br />Collective<br />Article<br />HOUD<br />Verb and Type<br />of verb (action.<br />having being)<br />Adjective<br />Pronoun<br />Preposition Conjunction<br />Tense<br />kpresent<br />past, future)<br />Answer the following questions-<br />(I) Change common nouns to other common nouns.<br />(2) Expand the contraction.<br />(3). Change the tense to future tense.
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Although punctuation was originally invented as a device for reflecting intonation in ... corpus consists of the parse trees of sentences with no ... Below is a list of all.
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