Biology, asked by rashmimali733, 8 months ago

Q.48 Muramic acid is present in cell walls of -

(1) Bacteria and blue-green algae

(2) Green algae

(3) Yeast

(4) All fungi

Q.49 Growth of cell wall during cell elongation

takes place by -

(1) Apposition (2) Intussuseption

(3) Both A and B (4) Super position

Q.50 Plasmodesmata are -

(1) Pores in cell wall

(2) Pores in cell membrane

(3) Protoplasmic connections

(4) A and B both

Q.51 Which element mainly occurs in middle

lamella -

(1) Ca (2) Mg

(3) Na (4) K

Q.52 Cell membrane is composed of -

(1) Proteins and cellulose

(2) Proteins and phospholipids

(3) Proteins and carbohydrates

(4) Proteins, phospholipids and some


Q.53 Which of the following is main enzyme of

plasma membrane -

(1) TPP ase

(2) ATP ase

(3) Peptidyl transferase

(4) Catalases

Q.54 Percentage of intrinsic proteins in the total

proteins of plasma membrane -

(1) 70% (2) 20%

(3) 10% (4) 90%

Q.55 Cell wall was discovered by -

(1) Robert brown

(2) Malpighi

(3) Robert Hooke

(4) Nageli

Q.56 Cell wall is -

(1) Dead and impermeable

(2) Dead and permeable

(3) Living and impermeable

(4) Living and selective

Q.57 Decision of cell division occurs at -

(1) Starting of G1

(2) End of G1

(3) Initial stage of prophase

(4) End of telophase

Q.58 Crossing over takes place on -

(1) Two stranded stage

(2) Three stranded stage

(3) One stranded stage

(4) Four stranded state

Q.59 Carbohydrates which present in the cell

membrane take part in -

(1) Transport of substance

(2) Cell recognition

(3) Attachement to microfilament

(4) Attachement to microtubules

Q.60 Plasma membrane is fluid structure due to

presence of -

(1) Carbohydrate (2) Lipid

(3) Glyco protein (4) Poly saccharide

Q.61 When the prophase chromosome are stained

with acetocarmine they take differential

staining. This phenomenon is called -

(1) Idiogram (2) Karyotype

(3) Heteropycnosis (4) Satellite

Q.62 Longest phase of mitosis is -

(1) Prophase (2) Metaphase

(3) Anaphase (4) Telophase

Q.63 Amphipathic molecule in pasma membrane is -

(1) Protein (2) Carbohydrates

(3) Phospholipids (4) All the above

Q.64 The average thickenss of plasma membrane is -

(1) 70Å (2) 75 – 100 Å

(3) 100 – 150 Å (4) 200 Å​


Answered by Hithesh95


sorry I don't know the answer

Answered by yuvrajyadav9294


1) bacteriya and blue green algae

2) both a and b

3)pores in cell wall

4) calcium

5)protein and cellulose



8) robert hooke

9)dead and permeable

10)end of G1

11)two stranded stage

12) transport of substance



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