Q.5. I have understood the reactions taking place in beakers A and B. But I am still confused why there
is no change in beakers C, D and E. There could be displacement of zinc by copper in beaker C and
by Iron in beaker E. Similarly iron could be displaced by copper in beaker D.
[NCERT Intext Question]
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Displacement reaction occur while the high reactive metal
displaces a less reactive metal
Step-by-step explanation:
In beaker C
- Displacement of Zinc by Copper .
Zinc is high reactive than copper
So, there is no change occurs .
In beaker D,
- Displacement of Zinc by Iron .
Zinc is high reactive than iron
So, there is no change occurs
In beaker E,
- Displacement of Iron by Copper.
Iron is high reactive than copper.
So, there is no change occurs.
What changes do you observe in the arbitrary. It follows definite rules
various beakers? You have read that one based on facts. And the rule here is
metal displaces another metal from its that zinc is more reactive than copper
compound in aqueous solution. In and iron. A more reactive metal can
beaker ‘A’ zinc (Zn) replaces copper (Cu) replace a less reactive metal, but a less
from copper sulphate (CuSO ). That is reactive one cannot replace a more
4 reactive metal. Now you can
why the blue colour of copper sulphate
understand why there are no
disappears and a powdery red mass of
displacement reactions in beakers D
copper is deposited at the bottom of the
and E also. Can you guess the
beaker. The reaction can be represented
sequence of metals from more reactive
as follows:
to less reactive among zinc, iron and
Copper Sulphate (CuSO ) + Zinc (Zn)
4.3 Uses of Metals and
→ Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO ) + Copper (Cu)
4 Non-metals
(Colourless) (Red)
You should be able to guess why metals
You can write down the reaction are used in making machinery,
taking place in beaker ‘B’ in a similar automobiles, aeroplanes, trains,
manner. satellites, industrial gadgets, cooking
utensils, water boilers, etc. You are also
familiar with the uses of some non-
metals. Here are some interesting ones.
We are sure that you will guess them
I have understood the reactions right:
taking place in beakers ‘A’ and
‘B’. But I am still confused why l Non-metal is essential for our life
there is no change in beakers which all living beings inhale during
‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’? breathing,
l Non-metals used in fertilisers to
enhance the growth of plants,
There could have been displacement
of zinc by copper in beaker ‘C’ and by l Non-metal used in water purification
iron in beaker ‘E’. Similarly iron could process,
be displaced by copper in beaker ‘D’.
l Non-metal used in the purple
Since we do not see any change in coloured solution which is applied
beaker C, we can infer that copper is on wounds as an antiseptic,
not able to replace zinc from zinc
sulphate. But why? When zinc can l Non-metals used in crackers.
replace copper in beaker ‘A’ why You may add some more uses of
cannot copper replace zinc in beaker metals and non-metals from your
‘C’? Remember that science is not experiences.