Q=5 Question Answers 10 Mark's
1 =Which of these organs does not help in digestion of food?
2-Write full name of USSR?
3= in your school examination you find a student copying answes from your answer sheet. What should you do?
4 which of these is non_ biodegradable?
5 = what is the increase in the surface
temperature of the earth caused by carting gases called?
6 = don't judge a book by its cover ?yes or no
7 = Which wood of the DALWOODANS tree is used in making incense sticks and perfumes?
8 = leat poteto chips every day it is good?
2.Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
3.Tell the teacher
4.Non-biodegradable materials are often synthetic products like plastic, glass and batteries.
5.It begins with a phenomenon called the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect occurs when there is an interaction between Earth’s atmosphere and the radiation from the sun. Sunlight shines onto the Earth’s surface, and is absorbed and radiated back into the atmosphere as heat. The gases within the Earth’s atmosphere are able to absorb about 90% of this heat, warming to a life-sustaining temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit. The greenhouse effect is made up of three primary atmospheric gases called “greenhouse gases”. They include carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). An increase in these greenhouse gases causes a rise in Earth’s temperature and has the potential to greatly impact life on the planet.
Due to the increase of greenhouse gases and rising temperature, Earth’s remaining ice sheets are beginning to melt, causing sea levels to rise at an alarming rate. In addition, climate change has become more evident with longer heat waves, frequent droughts, heavier rainfall, and more powerful hurricanes. This extreme weather can alter a variety of ecosystems, causing extinction of different plant and animal species.
Scientists have found that human activity is the main contributor of global warming through the burning of fossil fuels. Coal-burning power plants are Earths largest polluters, generating about two billion tons of CO2 each year. Transportation comes in a close second, generating about 1.7 billion tons of CO2 emissions a year. In addition, deforestation releases nearly a billion tons of CO2 back into the atmosphere.
There are many steps that can be taken to reduce the effects of global warming. The most important would be utilizing clean energy over the burning of fossil fuels. The development of clean energy including solar, wind and geothermal energy, has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of pollutants that are released into the atmosphere. Even taking little steps as simple as carpooling or walking, purchasing vehicles with low emission, lowering the thermostat, purchasing energy-efficient lightbulbs, or turning off and unplugging electrical devices can contribute to reducing our carbon footprint.
7.agarwood tree
8.no, eating Potato chips generally have between 120 and 180 milligrams of sodium per ounce. In the long term, this can cause high blood pressure. Unfortunately, most people with high blood pressure do not have symptoms associated with it, and this can be dangerous as it may not be properly diagnosed and treated. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart failure, coronary heart disease, and kidney disease," says Dr. Parcells.
Other long-term side effects of eating a lot of chips are weight gain, trouble sleeping, dry skin, kidney disease, headaches, and inflammation.