English, asked by omkarnewton, 3 months ago

Q. 6. The major reason for bird species decline is loss of habitat, especially grasslands and forests.
All have experienced declines in some areas since the 1960s and ’70s, and further declines are

anticipated, due to habitat loss and deforestation, and climate change. Write a letter to the Director

NGO Bird Links Society, Bangalore expressing your concern about the decrease in the number of

the birds in Delhi.​


Answered by samruddhishajagtap


Nature up close: The massive decline of bird populations

OCTOBER 7, 2019 / 3:17 PM / CBS NEWS

By "Sunday Morning" contributing videographer Judy Lehmberg.

Birds are the most-studied group of animals on Earth, in part because of the ease of finding them and the proliferation of citizen scientists-bird enthusiasts. But even expert ornithologists who have studied them were surprised by a study recently published in the journal Science, which found that bird populations have declined 29% in the U.S. and Canada since 1970 – a much faster rate than previously realized.

Including accidentals and introduced species, there are 1,121 bird species in North America north of Mexico. Some of those species have decreased much more than 29%. The common blue jay is down to 20% of what it was 50 years ago. Even the common grackle's numbers have gone down 50%.

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