Science, asked by sweta4585, 7 months ago

Q.7. Discuss the different types of teeth along with their structure and function
0.8. Show with the help of sketch that plants are the ultimate source of food.
0.9. Draw and label Human digestive system.
Q.10. Describe the process of Silk production.
Q.11. How does conduction occur?
0.12. Differentiate between conductors & insulator.​


Answered by alinemcfadden8719


Q.7.Each tooth has a crown and a root. There are three types of teeth in a primary dentition: incisors, canines and molars. There are four types of teeth in a permanent dentition: incisors, canines, premolars and molars. The structure of each type of tooth is different based on what the function of the tooth is.

Q.8.Show with the help of a sketch that the plants are the ultimate source of food. The food chain shows that the plant is the ultimate producer. Only plant can produce food and rest of other organisms are directly or indirectly dependent on it.

Q.9 is in the top

Q.10.The process of silk production is known as sericulture. ... Extracting raw silk starts by cultivating the silkworms on mulberry leaves. Once the worms start pupating in their cocoons, these are dissolved in boiling water in order for individual long fibres to be extracted and fed into the spinning reel.

Q.11.Conduction is the process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between neighboring atoms or molecules. Conduction occurs more readily in solids and liquids, where the particles are closer to together, than in gases, where particles are further apart.

Q.12.The conductor and insulator are the types of material. One of the major difference between the conductor and insulator is that the conductor allows the energy (i.e., current or heat ) to pass through it, whereas the insulator does not allow the energy to pass through it.

Answered by princess5612

q10. silk production

The process of silk production is also kbown as sericulture. The entire production peocess of silk can be divided into several steps which are typically handelled by different entities. Extracting raw silk starts by cultivating silkworms on mulberry leaves .

q11. how does conduction occur

conduction occurs when two object at different temperatures are in contact with each other heat flows through warmer to cooler object until they are both at the same temperature. condution is the movement of heat through the substance by the collision of molecules

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