Q 8. How is sprouting of seeds done? How is sprouted
seeds more nutritive than unsprouted
Sprouted grains have many health benefits. It's the result of catching the sprouts during the germinating process. “This germinating process breaks down some of the starch, which makes the percentage of nutrients higher. ... Sprouted grains also may have less starch and be easier to digest than regular grains.
Sprouting tends to increase nutrient levels in the grain, legume, vegetable, nut or seed being sprouted. Sprouts also contain lower levels of antinutrients, making it easier for your body to absorb all the nutrients they contain
To sprout seeds, take some seeds in a container filled with water and leave it for a day. Next day drain out the water completely. Wrap the seeds in a piece if wet cotton cloth and set them aside, small white structures grow out of seeds.
Sprouted seeds contain more vitamins and hence, are more nutritious.